SAN FRANCISCO- Cupcake turns Old 12/19/06
It is so cold out. I'm reminded of NYC in the winter.
I can see my breath in my own house.
No one is home, the dogs go crazy when I let them out of their room.
I change from everyday black levis into special occasion tight black April 77-s.
I'm sticking with the black hoody I recieved for xmas and prematurely opened.
The idea of changing more than my pants gives me anticipatory chills.
I want to get in bed and pull the blankets up over my head and let the dogs settle in behind my knees.
I spray B+B shine spray all over my head and nearly gag on the smell of it.
I lock the dogs up and lock the house, leaving just the porch light on.
I scroll through my contacts in my phone trying to find someone to talk to for the 10 minute walk to the train.
I leave LaLa a message, I'm all
I love my new haircut, I'll see you tommorow!
A light in the alley strobes. Seriously strobes.
Like a strobe light.
It's an eerie bluish light.
It makes the street seem like a movie set.
On the train platform I run into Ken and Weasel.
I haven't seen them in almost a year.
Ken's got a fancy shirt on. They're going to meet Weasel's sister at a hotel downtown.
Her sister's boyfriend got jumped last night so he looks like
"Quasimoto, from you know, that movie..." Weasel blanks
"Hunchback of Notre Dame" Ken and I chorus it.
On the train the three of us squeeze into a two person seat.
I find it creepy.
I try to fill awkward pauses with explanations of my boringly simple job.
We gossip about Urban Oufitters which stole years of our lives and happiness.
Ken says
"We're wearing the same jeans"
Weasel looks embarrassed.
We part ways at Forever 21.
At Rchrd Oh?!'s and Cupcake's everyone is drinking a Sparks.
It's Pony, Alice, Rchrd Oh?! and Cupcake.
The windows are open for smoking so it's cold.
I ditch my jacket on the dining room table and hug Cupcake
Happy Birthday! How does it feel?
He's all
"The same" perched on the window sill, cigarette in hand.
I'm all
Do you have any booze?
"There's one more Sparks in the fridge"
Awesome! Stomach ache and Head ache.
I sit next to Alice.
She's working a deep voice from a cold and cigarettes.
I'm all
You sound like Demi Moore, I used to have a crush on her when I was little.
I crack the Sparks and I'm all
I hope this doesn't give me diarrhea.
Cupcake is all
"If I have two I go crazy"
I ask Rchrd Oh?! about his time with Peaches.
Cupcake and Alice relay stories about hanging out in the FIllmore and helping Peaches find Mayonaise for her food.
There's a picture of Alice with the Mayonaise bottle.
She put a hannukah candle in her bra and ran around the Fillmore all night.
Rchrd Oh?! says he was wasted and made Peaches talk to his cousin on the phone.
His cousin goes to all her shows dressed as the latest album cover.
Peaches knew exactly who she was.
She really likes
Rchrd Oh?! is famous.
Angel comes in, he's all
"Do you like my rave light?" holding up the back of his bike so we can see his blinking red light.
I'm all
What I really like is your highwaters
He's got red pants rolled up to about midcalf and a winter hat on.
Angel can't drink Sparks. He says decaf coffee makes him crazy.
I'm all
I can't drink it either....
then I drink it.
Lucy comes in with a brown paper bag, she slurs
"Happy Birthday Cupcake"
It's wine. From the corner store.
Someone lights a pipe.
The Sparks makes me jumpy, Rchrd Oh?! is all
"Who wants wine"
I want one.
I'm double fisting wine and Sparks when the girls come in.
Witchie has vintage leather gloves with the fingers cut off. They have buckles at the wrist.
Her hair looks shorter.
I'm all
Is your hair shorter again?
She's all
"Yeah I cut it again. I cut it when I get bored."
Well it looks good.
The girls have a bottle of Jack which they happily share with the room.
I leave my wine half full.
Boyf runs into the room and hugs Cupcake. He's all
"Happy Birthday"
Then he demands the drugs I brought over for him.
I ask Witchie about her party.
She says she bought too much food for appetizers.
She's been eating appetizers for days. Like three days.
Alice is all
"Those are nice jeans"
I'm all
Thanks, they are April 77, or June of 1960 or something. Cupcake has trousers by them.
Alice is all
"Maybe I should get those for Dig. He always sews his jeans really tight. I bought him these really slim cut jeans, and he ended up sewing them anyway."
Everyone starts to get ready to go. Jackets, scarves hats.
On my way out I see Vanderbuilt in the kitchen.
When did she get here?
She's got a key stuck into a small hello kitty baggy in her right hand when she hugs me.
I'm all
This is nuts.
Pony is all
The baggy falls off the key when she jumps around. There's a small mound on the key so she snorts it up.
We gather on the pavement and go up O'Farrell to NiteSpot. I think.
I think it's NiteSpot.
Lucy knows the bartender, who's name is Lucy, but the Bartender Lucy is way Lesbian. In a Butch old school kind of way.
Baseball hat, short hair, specs, black hoody, all around butch demeanor.
We pour in, all 10 of us.
We must of gathered some on the way.
Most of the crowd are dudes, older dudes, pretty normal looking.
Eyebrows raise when they take us in.
Lucy the Bartender seems pretty psyched that we're here, she smiles and rushes to get us drinks. Cupcake of course gets a free one.
I like to think it's because we're such a gay group that she's excited.
I sit with Pony and Boyf drinking Whiskey and Coke.
Pony breaks the bad news to me
"I can't go to NYC with you"
I don't even skip a beat
That's ok.
"I have finals that week"
It's cool dude.
We make christmas plans.
Nirvana comes on the juke box and the two guys playing pool leave.
Angel is all
"I put this on!"
I stand with Rchrd Oh?! and chat him up about Big Stereo and his antics with Peaches.
We talk business, bandannas and all that.
I'm all
I'm so psyched that Big Stereo is going well for you.
I ask him its history and he tells me.
I glow with pride and admiration of him and my friends.
He tells me that when he was younger his mom tried to get him to dislike Hole and Courtney Love because Courtney killed Kurt Cobain.
I heard Kurt Cobain had died in my dad's car on the way to his house for weekend visitation.
When I got to his house I called three friends immediately.
Two of whom were crying.
Violent Femmes comes on the jukebox as I approach Lucy the Bartender
She's all
"What will it be sweetheart?"
and she rubs my arm
I'm all
Alice chats me up, and Lucy the Bartender gives her a free drink.
I pay for her tip.
Vanderbuilt dances so hard that she falls over.
Sleezemore comes in with a blond girl.
She dances immediately, Sleezemore and Rchrd Oh?! talk.
I go outside for some air while Pony smokes,
Sleezemore comes out and I'm all
"Is that a Big Stereo bandanna?"
He's all
I blush a bit, and bite my tongue.
Inside I ask Boyf if he wants to go.
Boyf chokes down his beer and him and Pony and me head outside for a cab.
Everyone goes outside, I guess they are changing bars.
I make plans with Cupcake to watch a matinee tommorow. Alice wants to come to.
We walk a few blocks and get in a cab.
I almost fall asleep on the ride home.
I can see my breath in my own house.
No one is home, the dogs go crazy when I let them out of their room.
I change from everyday black levis into special occasion tight black April 77-s.
I'm sticking with the black hoody I recieved for xmas and prematurely opened.
The idea of changing more than my pants gives me anticipatory chills.
I want to get in bed and pull the blankets up over my head and let the dogs settle in behind my knees.
I spray B+B shine spray all over my head and nearly gag on the smell of it.
I lock the dogs up and lock the house, leaving just the porch light on.
I scroll through my contacts in my phone trying to find someone to talk to for the 10 minute walk to the train.
I leave LaLa a message, I'm all
I love my new haircut, I'll see you tommorow!
A light in the alley strobes. Seriously strobes.
Like a strobe light.
It's an eerie bluish light.
It makes the street seem like a movie set.
On the train platform I run into Ken and Weasel.
I haven't seen them in almost a year.
Ken's got a fancy shirt on. They're going to meet Weasel's sister at a hotel downtown.
Her sister's boyfriend got jumped last night so he looks like
"Quasimoto, from you know, that movie..." Weasel blanks
"Hunchback of Notre Dame" Ken and I chorus it.
On the train the three of us squeeze into a two person seat.
I find it creepy.
I try to fill awkward pauses with explanations of my boringly simple job.
We gossip about Urban Oufitters which stole years of our lives and happiness.
Ken says
"We're wearing the same jeans"
Weasel looks embarrassed.
We part ways at Forever 21.
At Rchrd Oh?!'s and Cupcake's everyone is drinking a Sparks.
It's Pony, Alice, Rchrd Oh?! and Cupcake.
The windows are open for smoking so it's cold.
I ditch my jacket on the dining room table and hug Cupcake
Happy Birthday! How does it feel?
He's all
"The same" perched on the window sill, cigarette in hand.
I'm all
Do you have any booze?
"There's one more Sparks in the fridge"
Awesome! Stomach ache and Head ache.
I sit next to Alice.
She's working a deep voice from a cold and cigarettes.
I'm all
You sound like Demi Moore, I used to have a crush on her when I was little.
I crack the Sparks and I'm all
I hope this doesn't give me diarrhea.
Cupcake is all
"If I have two I go crazy"
I ask Rchrd Oh?! about his time with Peaches.
Cupcake and Alice relay stories about hanging out in the FIllmore and helping Peaches find Mayonaise for her food.
There's a picture of Alice with the Mayonaise bottle.
She put a hannukah candle in her bra and ran around the Fillmore all night.
Rchrd Oh?! says he was wasted and made Peaches talk to his cousin on the phone.
His cousin goes to all her shows dressed as the latest album cover.
Peaches knew exactly who she was.
She really likes
Rchrd Oh?! is famous.
Angel comes in, he's all
"Do you like my rave light?" holding up the back of his bike so we can see his blinking red light.
I'm all
What I really like is your highwaters
He's got red pants rolled up to about midcalf and a winter hat on.
Angel can't drink Sparks. He says decaf coffee makes him crazy.
I'm all
I can't drink it either....
then I drink it.
Lucy comes in with a brown paper bag, she slurs
"Happy Birthday Cupcake"
It's wine. From the corner store.
Someone lights a pipe.
The Sparks makes me jumpy, Rchrd Oh?! is all
"Who wants wine"
I want one.
I'm double fisting wine and Sparks when the girls come in.
Witchie has vintage leather gloves with the fingers cut off. They have buckles at the wrist.
Her hair looks shorter.
I'm all
Is your hair shorter again?
She's all
"Yeah I cut it again. I cut it when I get bored."
Well it looks good.
The girls have a bottle of Jack which they happily share with the room.
I leave my wine half full.
Boyf runs into the room and hugs Cupcake. He's all
"Happy Birthday"
Then he demands the drugs I brought over for him.
I ask Witchie about her party.
She says she bought too much food for appetizers.
She's been eating appetizers for days. Like three days.
Alice is all
"Those are nice jeans"
I'm all
Thanks, they are April 77, or June of 1960 or something. Cupcake has trousers by them.
Alice is all
"Maybe I should get those for Dig. He always sews his jeans really tight. I bought him these really slim cut jeans, and he ended up sewing them anyway."
Everyone starts to get ready to go. Jackets, scarves hats.
On my way out I see Vanderbuilt in the kitchen.
When did she get here?
She's got a key stuck into a small hello kitty baggy in her right hand when she hugs me.
I'm all
This is nuts.
Pony is all
The baggy falls off the key when she jumps around. There's a small mound on the key so she snorts it up.
We gather on the pavement and go up O'Farrell to NiteSpot. I think.
I think it's NiteSpot.
Lucy knows the bartender, who's name is Lucy, but the Bartender Lucy is way Lesbian. In a Butch old school kind of way.
Baseball hat, short hair, specs, black hoody, all around butch demeanor.
We pour in, all 10 of us.
We must of gathered some on the way.
Most of the crowd are dudes, older dudes, pretty normal looking.
Eyebrows raise when they take us in.
Lucy the Bartender seems pretty psyched that we're here, she smiles and rushes to get us drinks. Cupcake of course gets a free one.
I like to think it's because we're such a gay group that she's excited.
I sit with Pony and Boyf drinking Whiskey and Coke.
Pony breaks the bad news to me
"I can't go to NYC with you"
I don't even skip a beat
That's ok.
"I have finals that week"
It's cool dude.
We make christmas plans.
Nirvana comes on the juke box and the two guys playing pool leave.
Angel is all
"I put this on!"
I stand with Rchrd Oh?! and chat him up about Big Stereo and his antics with Peaches.
We talk business, bandannas and all that.
I'm all
I'm so psyched that Big Stereo is going well for you.
I ask him its history and he tells me.
I glow with pride and admiration of him and my friends.
He tells me that when he was younger his mom tried to get him to dislike Hole and Courtney Love because Courtney killed Kurt Cobain.
I heard Kurt Cobain had died in my dad's car on the way to his house for weekend visitation.
When I got to his house I called three friends immediately.
Two of whom were crying.
Violent Femmes comes on the jukebox as I approach Lucy the Bartender
She's all
"What will it be sweetheart?"
and she rubs my arm
I'm all
Alice chats me up, and Lucy the Bartender gives her a free drink.
I pay for her tip.
Vanderbuilt dances so hard that she falls over.
Sleezemore comes in with a blond girl.
She dances immediately, Sleezemore and Rchrd Oh?! talk.
I go outside for some air while Pony smokes,
Sleezemore comes out and I'm all
"Is that a Big Stereo bandanna?"
He's all
I blush a bit, and bite my tongue.
Inside I ask Boyf if he wants to go.
Boyf chokes down his beer and him and Pony and me head outside for a cab.
Everyone goes outside, I guess they are changing bars.
I make plans with Cupcake to watch a matinee tommorow. Alice wants to come to.
We walk a few blocks and get in a cab.
I almost fall asleep on the ride home.
darn. I hate that I missed that night. My body couldn
't fight off sleep any longer after going strong for 8 days!!!
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Anonymous |
4:52 PM
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