The Knife/Messanine 11/03/06
Vanderbuilt calls me at work. She has an extra ticket. More like, she met the bouncer on Halloween and he will try to get her in, so I can buy her ticket from her.
I'm thrilled but I won't have time to go home and change, the current outfit is:
Loosened up tight jeans, package enhancers
Long sleeve navy micro-thermal unbottoned at the neck
Vintage denim vest with leather detailing
Vintage stick pin with faux pearls and faux gold detailing
The shirt is really tight and I'm feeling bloated. Deep breath, button the vest.
I shaved today too, I wish I had tweezers for the heavy brows.
I get done with work earlier than I thought so I drive home and fry up a buffalo burger.
I pick out my good old tight blue jeans.
These used to squeeze me, not suffocate, not constrict, not turnequit.
A sleeveless white shirt, dyed off white, and just loose enough.
Afterthought: black cardigan with vintage shield pin, and of course a grey Horseface neckerchief.
This season is very prep school, very Halloweentown High School.
Pluck some stray brow hair, curl lashes, mascara and eye gloss. No to a vintage braided metal headband. Too much too predictable.
These jeans are killing me. My burger is done and the TV shows the real world road rules challenge: The Duel.
I scarf the burger, some cocacola, and scoot to the messanine. I've been there 3 times in two weeks. I hate the messanine. or rather, I really dislike it. I park my scooter on the sidewalk, ditch my jacket and head around the corner for a red bull.
But it's a $5 minimum for the ATM, 2 snikers, a pack of gum, and 2 Resse's Peanut Butter Cups.
I call Alice and Vanderbuilt they are around the corner trying to get Vanderbuilt snuck in. But which alley are they in. I hate 6th and Market, it's maybe THE sketchiest block in the city. I think they are on Stevenson.
By the time I catch up it's just Cupcake and Alice, Van is in, so I get her ticket.
Cupcake looks real cute, tight grey trousers a nice mini-cable knit cardigan, facial hair. Nice.
We go in.
I run into Dani, she looks fabulous, hair teased out into an amazing curly mess, tight black and white top, with her titties all bouncing in and out. We chat about staying positive, we chat about art projects, and the winter. Our seperate friends beckon, Pony appears.
He's a few drinks in. Or many. He's with Stethescope, a friend from work.
Everyone's in the back smoking. No Ins. No Outs.
This is my favorite part of the club. The smoking area, it's like this tiny parking lot for people, for smokers, caged in with those road blocks the city uses for street fairs and parades. There's a nice crowd, a goodlooking mix of hipsters and post ravers with some burning man thrown in.
Rchrd Oh is out here. He's talking to some folks I don't know. He waves us over, me, Pony and Stethescope. MaMa is here. I haven't seen her since June I think. While she's talking to me she keeps touching my chest. It feels nice, the familiarity, the ease. She's drunk
It's time to go inside, I hear people cheering.
We edge in at stage right/house left, by the bar. It's packed. Really packed. It's not like you can really move into a an empty spot, you have to displace people. Rchrd Oh and Cupcake go in far. Me and Pony are a bit behind, but he's determined to push through in his suit from work and huge shoulder bag. He goes for it and a whole group of four people are moved towards me in his wake.
MaMa is talking to some wierd couple next to us. It looks like she's going to get into a fight, I puff out my chest and cross my arms. I get ready. She drunkstumbles over to me and is all
"That girl is just as drunk as me..."
MaMa and I exchange compliments, and promises to see each other more. I like her alot but I don't KNOW her.
Before the band starts a Russian lady behind us is all
"Why do you keep bumping into me?" to Stethescope.
Stethescope is all
"I'm not, it's crowded"
Rchrd Oh is all
"Chill out. You need to relax, this is a crowded show and people are going to bump into you"
I quickly size up the Russian, black leather jacket, looks like INC from Macy's, curly brown hair,long, orangish, brownish.
Total Loser.
"Just chill out!" Rchrd Oh is adament.
Russian is all
Collective eyes role.
The show starts. There's a screen of mesh stretched across the front of the stage, but you can see through it, and a large egg shaped pillow hanging from the cieling near stage right. It starts with some black lights and weird shapes then they come out
wearing black jump suits, ski masks with strange orange makeup underneath that glows in the black lights. The projections start.
The guy dances and plays a drum machine instrument with glowing sticks, the vocalist is farther back on the stage, sort of dancing sort of singing. It seems magicky. Like they are doing more than what they are doing right now. Casting spells and stuff, on all of us. It works.
There is no alcohol in me. I can tell exactly what is going on. I dance. Pony dances. Rchrd Oh dances. The music is great, and dark at first. It seems so witchy. At one point the large pillow is projected onto with a strange face, it sings back ups.
Then two pillow type shapes on stage take up vocals as well.
The music brings on deep thoughts. I'm not sure how to react really, by now I'd usually be wasted and dancing and lusting, and grabbing. I decide not to make any promises to myself, I think nice thoughts, and then dance some more.
I keep bumping into Pony and Rchrd Oh. They are behind me know. Rchrd Oh is going crazy as per usual, he really likes having fun. Pony is bouncing. A tall man in a puffy vest to my left rave dances to himself. I feel my back stiffen up and I know I'm dancing like Twinjob. Is it bad to flick your hair around if you don't have long hair?
This performance is really nice.
God I want so badly to be the next big thing. At least to myself.
In the movie Six Degrees of Seperation Will Smith's character says something like
"Tonight was so wonderful that I wanted to add sex to it."
It's after the couple who hosted his evening of culture and conversation discover him fucking a prostitute in the guest room of their very expensive Central Park Apartment.
It's how I feel.
I want someone I barely know to try to hold my hand and kiss me. To run his hand up the back of my shirt.
to bump into me while I'm dancing, by accident, repeatedly.
The boy dancing behind me is cute. He gives Pony a sip of his drink.
I'm sober, it's not worth it. It's not worth starting some kind of intrigue I can't and won't follow through on. Being sober is trickier than I anticipated.
It's so hot. My bandanna quickly becomes a rag for face wiping. I wipe my face and neck over and over. My bangs are so curling. I can feel sweat rolling down my legs, pooling in the small space between denim and skin at the backs of my knees.
The show ends, after an encore with strange frog like masks and fake hands.
Is this rave music? It's like the Knife is moving in on Bjork's old territory, but different. Is the singer preggers? or did she stuff her jumpsuit?
Outside for a cigarette. Then goodbyes all around. I grab Cupcake by the back of the neck when I say goodbye, he fake bites my neck. Rchrd Oh hounds me for leaving at 11:30 even though I have work at 8.
I get Pony some money for his cab. I'm glad it's not raining because it means I can speed.
I'm thrilled but I won't have time to go home and change, the current outfit is:
Loosened up tight jeans, package enhancers
Long sleeve navy micro-thermal unbottoned at the neck
Vintage denim vest with leather detailing
Vintage stick pin with faux pearls and faux gold detailing
The shirt is really tight and I'm feeling bloated. Deep breath, button the vest.
I shaved today too, I wish I had tweezers for the heavy brows.
I get done with work earlier than I thought so I drive home and fry up a buffalo burger.
I pick out my good old tight blue jeans.
These used to squeeze me, not suffocate, not constrict, not turnequit.
A sleeveless white shirt, dyed off white, and just loose enough.
Afterthought: black cardigan with vintage shield pin, and of course a grey Horseface neckerchief.
This season is very prep school, very Halloweentown High School.
Pluck some stray brow hair, curl lashes, mascara and eye gloss. No to a vintage braided metal headband. Too much too predictable.
These jeans are killing me. My burger is done and the TV shows the real world road rules challenge: The Duel.
I scarf the burger, some cocacola, and scoot to the messanine. I've been there 3 times in two weeks. I hate the messanine. or rather, I really dislike it. I park my scooter on the sidewalk, ditch my jacket and head around the corner for a red bull.
But it's a $5 minimum for the ATM, 2 snikers, a pack of gum, and 2 Resse's Peanut Butter Cups.
I call Alice and Vanderbuilt they are around the corner trying to get Vanderbuilt snuck in. But which alley are they in. I hate 6th and Market, it's maybe THE sketchiest block in the city. I think they are on Stevenson.
By the time I catch up it's just Cupcake and Alice, Van is in, so I get her ticket.
Cupcake looks real cute, tight grey trousers a nice mini-cable knit cardigan, facial hair. Nice.
We go in.
I run into Dani, she looks fabulous, hair teased out into an amazing curly mess, tight black and white top, with her titties all bouncing in and out. We chat about staying positive, we chat about art projects, and the winter. Our seperate friends beckon, Pony appears.
He's a few drinks in. Or many. He's with Stethescope, a friend from work.
Everyone's in the back smoking. No Ins. No Outs.
This is my favorite part of the club. The smoking area, it's like this tiny parking lot for people, for smokers, caged in with those road blocks the city uses for street fairs and parades. There's a nice crowd, a goodlooking mix of hipsters and post ravers with some burning man thrown in.
Rchrd Oh is out here. He's talking to some folks I don't know. He waves us over, me, Pony and Stethescope. MaMa is here. I haven't seen her since June I think. While she's talking to me she keeps touching my chest. It feels nice, the familiarity, the ease. She's drunk
It's time to go inside, I hear people cheering.
We edge in at stage right/house left, by the bar. It's packed. Really packed. It's not like you can really move into a an empty spot, you have to displace people. Rchrd Oh and Cupcake go in far. Me and Pony are a bit behind, but he's determined to push through in his suit from work and huge shoulder bag. He goes for it and a whole group of four people are moved towards me in his wake.
MaMa is talking to some wierd couple next to us. It looks like she's going to get into a fight, I puff out my chest and cross my arms. I get ready. She drunkstumbles over to me and is all
"That girl is just as drunk as me..."
MaMa and I exchange compliments, and promises to see each other more. I like her alot but I don't KNOW her.
Before the band starts a Russian lady behind us is all
"Why do you keep bumping into me?" to Stethescope.
Stethescope is all
"I'm not, it's crowded"
Rchrd Oh is all
"Chill out. You need to relax, this is a crowded show and people are going to bump into you"
I quickly size up the Russian, black leather jacket, looks like INC from Macy's, curly brown hair,long, orangish, brownish.
Total Loser.
"Just chill out!" Rchrd Oh is adament.
Russian is all
Collective eyes role.
The show starts. There's a screen of mesh stretched across the front of the stage, but you can see through it, and a large egg shaped pillow hanging from the cieling near stage right. It starts with some black lights and weird shapes then they come out
wearing black jump suits, ski masks with strange orange makeup underneath that glows in the black lights. The projections start.
The guy dances and plays a drum machine instrument with glowing sticks, the vocalist is farther back on the stage, sort of dancing sort of singing. It seems magicky. Like they are doing more than what they are doing right now. Casting spells and stuff, on all of us. It works.
There is no alcohol in me. I can tell exactly what is going on. I dance. Pony dances. Rchrd Oh dances. The music is great, and dark at first. It seems so witchy. At one point the large pillow is projected onto with a strange face, it sings back ups.
Then two pillow type shapes on stage take up vocals as well.
The music brings on deep thoughts. I'm not sure how to react really, by now I'd usually be wasted and dancing and lusting, and grabbing. I decide not to make any promises to myself, I think nice thoughts, and then dance some more.
I keep bumping into Pony and Rchrd Oh. They are behind me know. Rchrd Oh is going crazy as per usual, he really likes having fun. Pony is bouncing. A tall man in a puffy vest to my left rave dances to himself. I feel my back stiffen up and I know I'm dancing like Twinjob. Is it bad to flick your hair around if you don't have long hair?
This performance is really nice.
God I want so badly to be the next big thing. At least to myself.
In the movie Six Degrees of Seperation Will Smith's character says something like
"Tonight was so wonderful that I wanted to add sex to it."
It's after the couple who hosted his evening of culture and conversation discover him fucking a prostitute in the guest room of their very expensive Central Park Apartment.
It's how I feel.
I want someone I barely know to try to hold my hand and kiss me. To run his hand up the back of my shirt.
to bump into me while I'm dancing, by accident, repeatedly.
The boy dancing behind me is cute. He gives Pony a sip of his drink.
I'm sober, it's not worth it. It's not worth starting some kind of intrigue I can't and won't follow through on. Being sober is trickier than I anticipated.
It's so hot. My bandanna quickly becomes a rag for face wiping. I wipe my face and neck over and over. My bangs are so curling. I can feel sweat rolling down my legs, pooling in the small space between denim and skin at the backs of my knees.
The show ends, after an encore with strange frog like masks and fake hands.
Is this rave music? It's like the Knife is moving in on Bjork's old territory, but different. Is the singer preggers? or did she stuff her jumpsuit?
Outside for a cigarette. Then goodbyes all around. I grab Cupcake by the back of the neck when I say goodbye, he fake bites my neck. Rchrd Oh hounds me for leaving at 11:30 even though I have work at 8.
I get Pony some money for his cab. I'm glad it's not raining because it means I can speed.
"looks like INC from Macy's"!
Posted by
Rocco |
1:39 PM
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