San Francisco-Hold Yr Horses 11/14/06
I get home and turn on the tv. It's CSI:Miami. I've seen this one, about a girl found dead, near a bootcamp for wayward youth, even though she isn't wayward, she's an aspiring model. I can't remember how it ends, who killed her and why. I want to watch till the end, it's like trying to remember a dream that you just woke from, but I have to shower and shave.
I shower.
I shave in the shower.
I shave out of the shower.
Blowdry. Flatiron, a touch of some great matte pomade. Yess matte.
I've been wearing this heathered tank top all day, but I like the way it shows off my arms, and my shoulders,
which look pretty big. For me. Right now.
I put on, then take off, the black sleeveless cardigan I've been defaulting to on nights out.
No necklace.
Headband. 80's rollerink style.
Metallic and braided.
Agent says something about Netflix but I think he says Nut Flicks, I go to flick his nuts but he looks concerned so I hold off. He's all
"When you're drunk you'll flick them, and more I bet."
I'm all
I'll do it right now, I don't need alcohol, you're the one that flinched
I fold up some new Horesface porn bandannas and take two quick gulps of the Jameson I've been sitting on since Halloween.
I'm walking fast to BART. On the phone Cupcake says they are leaving soon so I should just meet them at AC's.
At the BART station some guy is eyeing my handful of porn bandannas. There's a true crusty punk, smelling liquory and humaney. A train comes but the LED sign flashes
Another train comes.
I buy gum at the corner market because I forgot to brush my teeth and they feel fuzzy.
Beary is behind the bar when I arrive. He's back! I hug him, he gives me a water, and I set up the table by the door.
Cupcake and Rchrd Oh aren't here yet. Beary yells at a regular who is being a dick. He switches from sweet and quiet Beary to mean and shrill Beary so quick. It's dizzying. I hope it isn't a sign of the night ahead. The regular leaves after downing his white wine. He's bleary eyed, and teary eyed. I wonder if Beary hurt his feelings forreal.
Rchrd Oh comes in while I'm in the bathroom, I introduce myself to his friends. They don't seem to know why I'm talking to them or who I am. I don't care, and I think it makes me seem rude.
Rchrd Oh is all
"These are my friends"
I'm all
Yeah I know who they are.
I get the money and popcorn baskets.
Cupcake comes in with cupcakes and Vaderbuilt Lucy Alice and Nasty. I haven't seen these girls in ages. Lucy looks super hot with her bangs and Nasty looks thinner than usual. We chat it up about her new job as a Peachy Puff, or whatever. I ask her all the details and she's all
"It's nice that you are interested, none of my friends really ask me about it"
I ask questions when I'm nervous.
And I care.
Alice is wearing an ADIDAS dress and earrings. She skipped the shell toe white sneakers becuase she didn't want to do a rave theme. Just an ADIDAS theme.
Lucy comes by with a camera, suddenly everyone has cameras. It's me and Lucy and Nasty posing for Cupcake, by the prize machine and the popcorn machine. Lucy always looks good in photos, she kisses me for one of them. She's been getting laid recently, she says, so she's horny. I like her bangs.
Cupcake takes pictures of the cupcakes but they look like monster teeth and ugly food. Me and Alice model the cupcakes. I'm pulling out all my ANTM moves.
Danimal comes in. He's promoting for Shadowplay on friday, it's going to be Donimos birthday. We chat about NYC, he's a psychiatrist, which I didn't know. He tells me about all the lofts he's been in in Chelsea, I'm all wide eyes and full attention.
Beary asks me what I'm really drinking.
Old Fashioned please.
My new favorite (read: most hated) gay magazine, Details, profiled the Old Fashioned, so I've been curious. It tastes like winter holidays, the bitters make it spicy, like allspicenutmegcinamonmulledwine spicy.
Nasty you have to try this
She does. Then she orders one. I think.
Britain is here. We talk about Santorum. How Santorum brought home the corpse of his dead fetus/way preemie baby so his kids could see it, and connect with it before they buried it. Britain is outraged. I am incredulous, the popcorn machine sheds such a complexion flattering light on my face.
I dance near the bar. Agent is here, and James, and Boyf, and Pony. I flick Agent's nuts. He looks shocked and tries to get me back but I block with the money folder.
Alice and Bambam are talking about Bambam's job. His new mechanic job. She helped his boss get LV haircubes for his wife. LV hair cubes. They are clear with little gold "LV"-s floating in them. She says a girl she works with has them, and you notice them from ACROSS THE ROOM! I bet.
Vanderbuilt keeps putting her drink on my table when she smokes. I lose track of it though, because everyone does.
This really hot new girl comes in. She's from NYC.
I'm from Long Island
She isn't all that impressed. She is black I think, wearing a red mesh tank top, a denim vest with the sleeves cut off and all this werid shit glued on it, like a door knocker earring. The girl with her is hot too, she looks kind of like she's in Fannypack but not tragedy.
A tall guy who looks like a combo of two HYH regulars comes in. He's cute and makes eye contact with me.
When he leaves later, to smoke, he's all
"Do I need a stamp? Or will you remember me?("wry smile)
I'll remember.
Rchrd Oh comes up and asks how we are doing. We are doing ok so far, I notice the dance floor is totally empty, the bar is almost totally empty. EVERYONE is smoking.
I'm all
You cleared the floor, good job!
Rchrd Oh is all
"I'm going to go dance!"
and he does.
I'm at the bar and someone grabs my arm and is all
I'm all
before I even turn around
It's PJ, all red hair and stache, dressed like he's going out to dinner, or coming from it. I think I like his outerwear but it's too dim.
I charge him $3
It's weird because I know him, sort of. But he doesn't fuss.
He's bringing
"like 15 people"
and he
"didn't know there was a cover"
he sits next to me and chats me up about blogging and writing for money vs. writing, and going mainstream and stuff like that.
Some of his friends come in and they roll their eyes when I say
It's $3 each.
I let two in for $3
it's one guy's birtday so he's in for free,
the rest don't seem to mind. I don't either.
An older asian woman comes in she's scouting for a dj or something. The man with her gives me $10 for the both of them, even though they aren't staying. She gives me three drink tickets for the Gangway, she wants me to
"Bring your friends" and motions to the full dance floor.
Boyf's friend from work shows up, I let him in for free and he tips me a dollar.
Three older fags show up, I know one of them, did he hit on me? where is he from? I feel like I remember him being crazy.
He's all
"Can we do three for $5?"
How about three for $9.
Someone hands me a ten.
Another Old Fashioned from Beary. And another water.
The maple on maple cupcakes are a hit. Some people go for two. I warn everyone
They have nuts, in case you are allergic, and they're maple in case you don't like maple.
Those cupcakes cost $2 each to make.
Earlier Cupcake and I hoofed it up the hills to Cala Foods, once there we realized we needed 4 cups of real maple syrup. That alone is $25. Martha Stewart is crazy. But they are good, very seasonal. Very.
PJ is all
"What's on tv, it's crazy?"
I can't tell if he's really drunk or not. We've never had a real, real convo.
I'm going with yes, he is really drunk.
I go to the bathroom. Sounds like there is a meeting in the ladies room.
On my way back to the door PJ stops me
he's all
"I like your haircut"
Thanks, it's very freeing
"He agrees emphatically, we talk about short hair, but I rush back to the door because Boyf is watching it for me, which is not his job.
Jonny Evil tells me all about the music project he wants to start. I'm into it. His band just opened for the New York Dolls. It was their second show.
Phyllis appears. It's 1am so I'm dancing and the door is done.
I give Phyllis a hug and a bandanna for his birthday.
I dance like mad, and keep catching myself in the mirror,
do I dance like my brother? totally weird.
Everyone is dancing. PJ's friends are either loving it or hating it.
There's a crowd of them. A CROWD, they are like half of THE crowd.
I can't tell if they are fake dancing or real dancing.
I'm real dancing. I'm fake real dancing.
I drink straight whiskey,
twice, and Nasty and I share a PBR. Awesome because I am parched.
Rchrd Oh is out from behind the decks, dancing his crazy dances. I flick Agent's nuts, from behind.
I am a star.
I dance with Boyf. Alot. He is absolutely the best looking person here. No really. He is. Ask Alice. Ask Cupcake, and Lucy.
I compliment this guy on his sweater, it is definitely a ladies sweater but he wears it well. It's all deep V with metal yarn woven in, he's thin and flat chested, and hairless so it really suits him. I compliment his bravery and gall. Gall?
The new hot girls are dancing. They guy who asked if I'd remember him is dancing real close to Pony, he's not the best dancer but he makes up for it in looks. He's tall. They sort of bop in and out of the music, they get real close, kissing close, without kissing. They're just talking.
Nasty and Boyf dance real low to the ground. Boyf can get down far. It's funny. Nasty is such a good time
Rchrd Oh plays the last song. THE LAST SONG, but I JUST started dancing. Beary says we can have one more song, so I go around and pick up all the glasses and put them on the bar, because he is being so nice to us.
Something is missing. I'm not excited. I'm not happy. I'm pleased. I'm not nervous anymore, I'm not looking around the rooom trying to find the best looking peron. I'm not wishing I'd worn something else, or coveting someone's shoes. I'm barely able to dance without admiring myself in the mirror. There's a guy sort of near me and Boyf, and he is sort of dancing with us. He's goodlooking.
I don't need anything from anyone.
I'm fine.
Outside it's confusing. I'm drunk. Drunker than I think. Eventually I get in a cab and go home.
The guy who asked if I'd remember him is hanging out on the couch with Pony. Agent is in his room with James.
I'm in bed.

Rchrd Oh?! and Vanderbuilt

Cupcake and Phyllis

Nasty and your lovely Host

The grossest group shot ever. EVER.
I shower.
I shave in the shower.
I shave out of the shower.
Blowdry. Flatiron, a touch of some great matte pomade. Yess matte.
I've been wearing this heathered tank top all day, but I like the way it shows off my arms, and my shoulders,
which look pretty big. For me. Right now.
I put on, then take off, the black sleeveless cardigan I've been defaulting to on nights out.
No necklace.
Headband. 80's rollerink style.
Metallic and braided.
Agent says something about Netflix but I think he says Nut Flicks, I go to flick his nuts but he looks concerned so I hold off. He's all
"When you're drunk you'll flick them, and more I bet."
I'm all
I'll do it right now, I don't need alcohol, you're the one that flinched
I fold up some new Horesface porn bandannas and take two quick gulps of the Jameson I've been sitting on since Halloween.
I'm walking fast to BART. On the phone Cupcake says they are leaving soon so I should just meet them at AC's.
At the BART station some guy is eyeing my handful of porn bandannas. There's a true crusty punk, smelling liquory and humaney. A train comes but the LED sign flashes
Another train comes.
I buy gum at the corner market because I forgot to brush my teeth and they feel fuzzy.
Beary is behind the bar when I arrive. He's back! I hug him, he gives me a water, and I set up the table by the door.
Cupcake and Rchrd Oh aren't here yet. Beary yells at a regular who is being a dick. He switches from sweet and quiet Beary to mean and shrill Beary so quick. It's dizzying. I hope it isn't a sign of the night ahead. The regular leaves after downing his white wine. He's bleary eyed, and teary eyed. I wonder if Beary hurt his feelings forreal.
Rchrd Oh comes in while I'm in the bathroom, I introduce myself to his friends. They don't seem to know why I'm talking to them or who I am. I don't care, and I think it makes me seem rude.
Rchrd Oh is all
"These are my friends"
I'm all
Yeah I know who they are.
I get the money and popcorn baskets.
Cupcake comes in with cupcakes and Vaderbuilt Lucy Alice and Nasty. I haven't seen these girls in ages. Lucy looks super hot with her bangs and Nasty looks thinner than usual. We chat it up about her new job as a Peachy Puff, or whatever. I ask her all the details and she's all
"It's nice that you are interested, none of my friends really ask me about it"
I ask questions when I'm nervous.
And I care.
Alice is wearing an ADIDAS dress and earrings. She skipped the shell toe white sneakers becuase she didn't want to do a rave theme. Just an ADIDAS theme.
Lucy comes by with a camera, suddenly everyone has cameras. It's me and Lucy and Nasty posing for Cupcake, by the prize machine and the popcorn machine. Lucy always looks good in photos, she kisses me for one of them. She's been getting laid recently, she says, so she's horny. I like her bangs.
Cupcake takes pictures of the cupcakes but they look like monster teeth and ugly food. Me and Alice model the cupcakes. I'm pulling out all my ANTM moves.
Danimal comes in. He's promoting for Shadowplay on friday, it's going to be Donimos birthday. We chat about NYC, he's a psychiatrist, which I didn't know. He tells me about all the lofts he's been in in Chelsea, I'm all wide eyes and full attention.
Beary asks me what I'm really drinking.
Old Fashioned please.
My new favorite (read: most hated) gay magazine, Details, profiled the Old Fashioned, so I've been curious. It tastes like winter holidays, the bitters make it spicy, like allspicenutmegcinamonmulledwine spicy.
Nasty you have to try this
She does. Then she orders one. I think.
Britain is here. We talk about Santorum. How Santorum brought home the corpse of his dead fetus/way preemie baby so his kids could see it, and connect with it before they buried it. Britain is outraged. I am incredulous, the popcorn machine sheds such a complexion flattering light on my face.
I dance near the bar. Agent is here, and James, and Boyf, and Pony. I flick Agent's nuts. He looks shocked and tries to get me back but I block with the money folder.
Alice and Bambam are talking about Bambam's job. His new mechanic job. She helped his boss get LV haircubes for his wife. LV hair cubes. They are clear with little gold "LV"-s floating in them. She says a girl she works with has them, and you notice them from ACROSS THE ROOM! I bet.
Vanderbuilt keeps putting her drink on my table when she smokes. I lose track of it though, because everyone does.
This really hot new girl comes in. She's from NYC.
I'm from Long Island
She isn't all that impressed. She is black I think, wearing a red mesh tank top, a denim vest with the sleeves cut off and all this werid shit glued on it, like a door knocker earring. The girl with her is hot too, she looks kind of like she's in Fannypack but not tragedy.
A tall guy who looks like a combo of two HYH regulars comes in. He's cute and makes eye contact with me.
When he leaves later, to smoke, he's all
"Do I need a stamp? Or will you remember me?("wry smile)
I'll remember.
Rchrd Oh comes up and asks how we are doing. We are doing ok so far, I notice the dance floor is totally empty, the bar is almost totally empty. EVERYONE is smoking.
I'm all
You cleared the floor, good job!
Rchrd Oh is all
"I'm going to go dance!"
and he does.
I'm at the bar and someone grabs my arm and is all
I'm all
before I even turn around
It's PJ, all red hair and stache, dressed like he's going out to dinner, or coming from it. I think I like his outerwear but it's too dim.
I charge him $3
It's weird because I know him, sort of. But he doesn't fuss.
He's bringing
"like 15 people"
and he
"didn't know there was a cover"
he sits next to me and chats me up about blogging and writing for money vs. writing, and going mainstream and stuff like that.
Some of his friends come in and they roll their eyes when I say
It's $3 each.
I let two in for $3
it's one guy's birtday so he's in for free,
the rest don't seem to mind. I don't either.
An older asian woman comes in she's scouting for a dj or something. The man with her gives me $10 for the both of them, even though they aren't staying. She gives me three drink tickets for the Gangway, she wants me to
"Bring your friends" and motions to the full dance floor.
Boyf's friend from work shows up, I let him in for free and he tips me a dollar.
Three older fags show up, I know one of them, did he hit on me? where is he from? I feel like I remember him being crazy.
He's all
"Can we do three for $5?"
How about three for $9.
Someone hands me a ten.
Another Old Fashioned from Beary. And another water.
The maple on maple cupcakes are a hit. Some people go for two. I warn everyone
They have nuts, in case you are allergic, and they're maple in case you don't like maple.
Those cupcakes cost $2 each to make.
Earlier Cupcake and I hoofed it up the hills to Cala Foods, once there we realized we needed 4 cups of real maple syrup. That alone is $25. Martha Stewart is crazy. But they are good, very seasonal. Very.
PJ is all
"What's on tv, it's crazy?"
I can't tell if he's really drunk or not. We've never had a real, real convo.
I'm going with yes, he is really drunk.
I go to the bathroom. Sounds like there is a meeting in the ladies room.
On my way back to the door PJ stops me
he's all
"I like your haircut"
Thanks, it's very freeing
"He agrees emphatically, we talk about short hair, but I rush back to the door because Boyf is watching it for me, which is not his job.
Jonny Evil tells me all about the music project he wants to start. I'm into it. His band just opened for the New York Dolls. It was their second show.
Phyllis appears. It's 1am so I'm dancing and the door is done.
I give Phyllis a hug and a bandanna for his birthday.
I dance like mad, and keep catching myself in the mirror,
do I dance like my brother? totally weird.
Everyone is dancing. PJ's friends are either loving it or hating it.
There's a crowd of them. A CROWD, they are like half of THE crowd.
I can't tell if they are fake dancing or real dancing.
I'm real dancing. I'm fake real dancing.
I drink straight whiskey,
twice, and Nasty and I share a PBR. Awesome because I am parched.
Rchrd Oh is out from behind the decks, dancing his crazy dances. I flick Agent's nuts, from behind.
I am a star.
I dance with Boyf. Alot. He is absolutely the best looking person here. No really. He is. Ask Alice. Ask Cupcake, and Lucy.
I compliment this guy on his sweater, it is definitely a ladies sweater but he wears it well. It's all deep V with metal yarn woven in, he's thin and flat chested, and hairless so it really suits him. I compliment his bravery and gall. Gall?
The new hot girls are dancing. They guy who asked if I'd remember him is dancing real close to Pony, he's not the best dancer but he makes up for it in looks. He's tall. They sort of bop in and out of the music, they get real close, kissing close, without kissing. They're just talking.
Nasty and Boyf dance real low to the ground. Boyf can get down far. It's funny. Nasty is such a good time
Rchrd Oh plays the last song. THE LAST SONG, but I JUST started dancing. Beary says we can have one more song, so I go around and pick up all the glasses and put them on the bar, because he is being so nice to us.
Something is missing. I'm not excited. I'm not happy. I'm pleased. I'm not nervous anymore, I'm not looking around the rooom trying to find the best looking peron. I'm not wishing I'd worn something else, or coveting someone's shoes. I'm barely able to dance without admiring myself in the mirror. There's a guy sort of near me and Boyf, and he is sort of dancing with us. He's goodlooking.
I don't need anything from anyone.
I'm fine.
Outside it's confusing. I'm drunk. Drunker than I think. Eventually I get in a cab and go home.
The guy who asked if I'd remember him is hanging out on the couch with Pony. Agent is in his room with James.
I'm in bed.

Rchrd Oh?! and Vanderbuilt

Cupcake and Phyllis

Nasty and your lovely Host

The grossest group shot ever. EVER.
Wow, what a great description of the night!
It's like I was there.
Oh, yeah, I *was* there.
Great music as usual. Craziness on the dance floor. Falling down with Lisa, taking out a table. Later, I told her I was jealous that she fell down with Vanessa, too.
Usually not a big maple fan, but damn that was a good cupcake.
Another fun night at HYH--it was good seeing you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:17 PM
hottttt. xox
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:55 AM
I love your blogs. Especially when I am involved haha :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:30 PM
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