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San Francisco- Rickshaw Stop 11/30/06

I've been wearing these tight black jeans all day. My t-shirt selection dissapoints so I throw on an undertank and my sleeveless CocaCola sweatshirt.
Spray on some black hair powder, curl lashes, mascara.

I myspaced Nasy about the show, and Brandicorn called to see if I wanted drinks but I'm driving, again.

I get there around 9:15.Outside there are two youngish lesbians totally making out.
Like they are 16.
They might be, it's all ages.
Inside I see Nasty waiting by the bar. She's so tall.
I'm on the list, and I say so. Hand stamped.
Nasty just got here too. Social Studies is playing and I'm all
They sound like Weezer
Oh, Yeah, sort of.

Calrsburg swishes by on her way to the bathroom, we half hug hello.
Toddy comes up, I think he's checking Nasty out, Brandicorn said he's been dating
tall thin blondes, like Nasty.
We half hug hello, and try to talk over the music.
Teeny comes by and we hug and squeeze. She's wearing all black.
I give her a hanky, but she makes me fold it for back pocket wearing.
I stuff it in her right ass pocket.
Her haircut looks really good, really chickL.A.rocknroll.
Hey taps on my shoulder, I don't recognize him at first because his normally shaggy hair is lopped off into a conservative 50's style.
He looks older, and far more serious. We hug hard and talk about the show.
He's excited
He's glad I'm here
I'm excited
I'm glad I'm here.
Hulk comes by wearing a grey and white striped vneck, very attractive on him.
We hug, he pats me on the shoulder, it's too loud to talk, he has earplugs in.

When Social Studies stops we applaud, Nasty and I go for water and talk about
having no money. We don't mind having no money.
We mind having no money for alcohol. She buys her second
and last beer of the night.
But shares it with me.
She's a good Christian soul.

We move up toward the front.
Nasty keeps looking around, like she's looking for someone.
She is hoping her crush will show up, because of his tenuous ties to Finest Dearest.
Teeny beckons us to her side of the stage.
We stand right in front of her.
The crowd pushes forward when the feedback begins.
Toddy is tuning but there is feedback.
Teeny starts the song but it takes everyone a few seconds to realize they should play.
They do.
They rock.
Nasty dances around like we are at a dance club.
A 15 year old skinny faggot next to Nasty sort of rave dances, it's awkward.
His limbs are too long and stick like.

The set is good, Toddy unplugs himself during some rockstar antics, and Hey has some trouble with the bass levels.
When they get to the last song Carlsberg is all
"Do you want to sing back ups?"
and I'm all
They don't say it into the mic or anything
I wonder if the crowd thinks I'm just some weird guy strolling onto the stage

It's my favorite song, and I blow out my voice screaming the opening lyrics.
Afterwards Nasty is all
"Good job on vocals!"
Her crush still isn't here, so she jets.
I help Teeny with her amp and tell her my HONEST OPINON about the set.

I get a 7" and Brandicorn and I go outside to put it in my scooter.
He's talking about guys and gays, and being newqueer, and I'm all
I sit with Teeny on the curb then she shows me the new tour van and I bring up her birderous past.
We retell her story to each other, about how she slept with her pet bird, but killed it accidentally. There must be another story, but she's still a birderer.
All the locks in the van have silver skulls on them, Hulk says that him and Toddy tinted the windows themselves.
Teeny brings up my potential trip with them to LA in the new year.

Back inside Music for Animals have started. There's all these art school projections going on behind them. There's a man fucking a woman in slo mo. It looks vintage, you can't see the guys face. I think of the MALE GAZE, then the MALE GAYS.
Teeny comes out of the bathroom and we move up through the crowd.
This song has a good verse hook
"You're hands are so cold"
My hands are cold. It's so cold outside.
We move up to the balcony.
The singer guitarist and the bassist wear suits with red shirts.
The singer has curly curly hair, styled into a fro sort of.
He has untucked his shirt, unbuttoned his jacket, and unbuttoned the top to buttons of his shirt.
I lean over to Teeny and shout
She's all
"That IS dangerous...."

I tell Teeny about the porn video part, and my mild obsession with the Male Gaze as a fairly applicable pun.
She agrees, and relates that she's tried to use Male Gaze as a pun but not everyone knows it's radical feminist film theory meanings.

She says they seem really professional
I'm all
Do you mean like Bar Mitzvah and Sweet 16 professional?
She dead looks me

The allure of the well polished band fades as each song takes on a particularly Killer vibe. At one point ballons are dumped from the balcony on both sides of us.
Teeny and I notice a ballon landing squarely on a bald guys head, but it's two different guys at the same exact time.

There are so many people here for Music for Animals.
At one point they turn their backs to the audience and the lights go low.
Their arms and backs light up with Christmas lights. The guitarist's aren't secured too good because when he starts playing they swing around his wrist.

A girl dressed as a dominatrix gets on stage and faux whips the boys.
I'm all
We're in San Francisco, couldn't they get a real dominatrix?
Is that edgey even?
Is it trying to be?

One of our favorite songs features a rhyme between the words "Bi-curious" "furious" and "serious".
Bi-Curious!! Really? Serious-ly?!
I thought that word was only used in M4M ads.
I yell out
Teeny yells
"1970's FEMINISM"
Then together

We go into the smoking room. It's smokey.
We perch on a rickshaw. A broken one. It sort of creaks and sways.
Teeny smokes and I tell her about my art projects.
She tells me about Finest Dearest's plans.

Outside it's still cold and the 16 yearold lesbians are back at it, but there's a crew of friends standing around. Some creepy dude takes a picture of clubkid looking twinks with his phone. One of the twinks pulls his shirt open and squeezes his nipple.

I have a text from Boyf and a voicemail.
I get on the scooter, grind my teeth and head home.