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SAN FRANCISCO I'm on the Door 2.13.07

I'm on the door.
Cupcake made red velvet cupcakes for Alice's birthday and there about 4 left.
Dad has been feeding me Wild Turkey all night
He's all
"You'll like the flavor of this one"
I act like I never had it
So he thinks he's teaching me.
Everyone is here except Nasty, she's in New York.

A troupe of 3 cute young looking Latino boys show up at the door.
One has really Curly hair in a large afro with big round metal disc earrings.
One of their id-s is not from the U.S. But I'm looking for age
Not country of origin.

Sparkle comes in, fully flirting.

There is this drunk guy. A regular of the bar probably,
older than the crowd. He's wasted but apparently harmless.
It's slow on the door, off and on all night really.
If everyone who came in stayed there'd be enough folks
to overflow the dancefloor. but it's weak tonight.

A hot beast sits at the end of the bar right near me.
S/he has long hair, leggings with a long shirt, purse
necklaces and rings, slouch boots. S/he has the best outfit in here, and maybe it's the attitude.
Drunk sits next to Beast and leans in close. He puts his hand on Beast's leg, and
s/he moves it off. I lean on the bar to get a drink but to get a closer look
at Drunk. I catch his eye, and hold the stare, but his eyes water and roll.
He keeps putting his hand on Beast's leg, I stare holes into his head.
I go over to Beast and I'm all
"Is this guy bothering you"
and Beast is like
"He's just drunk"
I hear Beast say
"Why are you here?"
"What do you want?"

I get my drink and sit at the door.
Drunk leaves and I'm next to Beast again.
"Sorry to intrude, but you know, safety first"
Beast sort of rolls his/her eyes at me and is all
S/he leaves to the bathroom.

I sit at the dead door then get Boyf to cover for me so I can go to the bathroom.
Everyone is in the Men's room shining keys and I'm all
"What's wrong with the women's room?"
And they're all
"Someone has been in there for like 15 minutes"
The girl's room has a lock on it, I've never seen so many people in the boy's room before, like 10 maybe, all with keys out, and wild eyes.
I get hyper just being there.

Back at the door Beast leaves and gives me a solid goodbye
but heavy with attitude.
Cupcake runs up to me and he's like
"Someone just totally fucked in the girl's bathroom, it smells like asshole, and Lucy walked in on them, she thought it was just locked because no one came in and out forever, so she got the key from Dad, but when she opened it she caught them. It was that asshole who drew with lipstick all over my shirt last Friday at Hyde street."
I'm all

He goes back to the floor to dance.
Drunk wavers toward me from the dance floor, knocking into bar stools and folks on his way.
He was fucking in the bathroom.
He's all
"I am so fucked up, are you fucked up?"
I'm all
No, not really. Not like you.
"I am so fucked up"
He buys a beer.
He tries to offer me his beer
Dude, I don't want your beer
"Do you want my beer? Take a sip."
I don't want your beer.
On the third offer I'm all smiles and
I don't want your beer. This has just changed from a friendly exchange to an unfriendly one, sit down, drink your beer than go.
My heart does a skip.
He looks at me with eyebrows raised in one long arch, confused and surprised.
"Have my beer"
Sit down, drink, leave.
He's all
"I'll make a deal with you, you drink my beer and I'll leave"
I'm relieved for an easy non-physical way out
I down his beer, and point at the door.
He leaves.

I sit.
BamBam comes in, we chat it up about scooters and the weather. He buys a beer.
Drunk comes back in, and I'm all
You have to leave now.
BamBam takes off his glasses, puts them on the bar with his beer, grabs Drunk by the front of the shirt and pushes him at the door.
Drunk goes down so BamBam hauls him out by his shirt.
Boyf and Angel are outside.
BamBam pushes the guy up against a car and almost punches him them stops.
Drunk is all
"I know the manager, I know the manager"
I get BamBam away from him, and then I get in Drunk's face
Get out of here.
He's all
"I know the manager, go get him, go get the manager"
I'm all
I'm so close and yelling so hard I'm spitting in his face,
his eyebrows are in that weak arch, and his face is pale, lips downturned.
"Go get the manager!"
I turn to get the manager, I hear Drunk say something to Angel and Boyf. I spin on my heel and I'm up in his face, we'd be making out if I were closer
He's quiet, on the verge of laughing I think, and if he laughs I'll grab his jaw with my hand and yank him to the ground and kick him in the face and ears and in his guts.
I'm raging, alcohol is running fast through me, it's cold and sharp out, I'm ready to break his face open on the pavement. It's a sudden feeling, but comforting too.
I go inside, but Dad's not at the bar so I go right back out.
Drunk is standing there, and I'm all
You have to go, he's not here and right now this is MY CLUB.
He's all
"No it's not"
I'm all
Right now this is MY club, and you have to leave.

He scuttles to about ten feet away, and he's all
"I'll call the cops"
Angel is like
"Call the cops they won't believe you"
They yell back and forth for a few seconds.
I walk towards drunk with my hands up and out, like, I'm not going to hurt you
and I say real quiet,
Look, if you call the cops they will get here and see how drunk you are, and they'll take you to jail, and we'll tell them you were harrassing us, and our friends.
His face registers understanding, briefly, and he's all whimpery
"But I know the manager"
I walk back to my friends, suddenly cold with no sleeves on.
Embarrassed too.

It's one o'clock, I bring Rchrd Oh!? the money and dance with Pony, just the two of us on the dance floor.

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sounds shitty. guess I didn't miss much that night. except for a crazy bum fight!

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