San Francisco- My Birthday sort of
I get home around 8.30, slightly buzzed from my drink with Ringmaster at Amber after work. Everyone is sitting around.
Pony and Boyf are watching Homecoming Warrior on the Disney channel. It's almost as good as Halloweentown.
While Wendy Wu's teachers are posessed by the spirits of monks from her past so they can train her to save the world
I decide on Grey tight Sevens, tapered at Cable Car Tailors, a white undertank, an orange woven art teacher churchlady
vest in XXL, multiple strands of silver and goldish necklaces.
I curl my lashes, mascara and dig the last of my eyegloss out of the corners of the jar.
Agent puts on blush and liner and the eyelashes I got him for christmas, but the spirit gum doesn't stick the fake mustache on too good so he leaves it stuck to the medicine cabinet.
Boyf is in and out smoking cigarettes on the steps, I use the downstairs mirror to fix my hair.
I find 15dollars in my jeans, so we are taking a cab to the club.
On the way Agent and I discuss global warming, apathy among our peers, and my deifinite investment in material things, and shallow pursuits.
At AC's it's already full. Like FULL and it's only 11. Not the best night to not do the door.
Lucy gives me a hug from her stool by the front door, large tan and brown iced cupcakes on a platter in next to her.
The twins come up one with flowers.
I'm touched, no really, it's my first gift. Flowers. I suspect they may have been plucked from a pre-existing bouquet and neatly arranged in some plain paper. But it's the thought.
I tell Dad it's my birthday, and he grabs the back of my head to pull me over the bar for a cheek kiss. I heart Dad, he's the greatest. For a moment I realize that he may actually want to sleep with me, that jokes about me being his son might actually be sexualish in nature.
I order a Jameson neat.
I catch Jewelry from the corner of my eye. I can't believe she's here and Mattie's here too. It's so sweet to see work folks at birthday celebrations.
Mattie's all
"What are you drinking?"
I'm all
I just got this Jameson
and I spill some Jameson on his lap.
"Do you want Yaeger?"
I'll have a Frenet if I have to have something.
We convice Jewelry that it's like Yaeger but it's herbal, and good for your stomach, because she has a stomach ache.
Genivive Gay and Coffin come in. They're all bleary eyed
"Hungover" Coffin says.
Genivive is wearing a christmas sweater with Panda's, queer because christmas has definitely passed and it may be the only ironic thing I've ever seen her wear, it goes against her usual uniform of black tank and brown Levi twill pants.
I see Pony and Texas. I'm all
Welcome back Tex,
Oh but I saw you on New Year's
and he says at the same time
I saw you on New Year's
almost at the same time, so it's a little off, and not funny but awkward. He's wearing a ripped up white lace (think Frederick's of Holywood) tank over a misfits t-shirt.
I'm all
I like your vest
he's all
"I like your vest"
I'm all
It's XXL
I make my way back to Rchrd OH?!
He hugs and kisses me.
Vanderbuilt spins by and wraps her arms around my waist and squeezes.
It's a tight quick and kind hug.
Alice comes up to me with a tiny little box.
Gift two.
It's a tiny horsehead pin
"I got it on a horseback riding website for myself. But I figured you'd love it more. Do you think coolness of Horses has made them into a tacky or last season animal?"
I'm all
I've loved horses for a while I don't care if they are played out now.
I put the box in my back pocket, then decide to pin the pin to my shirt under the vest and toss the box so that I don't have a box shaped sillouetted rear end.
Cupcake is all
"Did you have a cupcake yet?"
On my way to the cupcakes Agent hands me half a cupcake
"I can't finish this it's too sweet"
The cupcake has a peanut buttery texture and the icing tastes very peanut buttery.
Cupcake is all
"I don't really like peanut butter but I like these. I think I did a good job with the icing."
You did.
I go for another Jameson and squeeze Gay's leg on the way by.
Teeny shows up with Shy in tow. I don't recognize him at first.
His hair has been cut off and his bangs are pointed up in one direction in the front and he has on thick glasses and a white t-shirt. I half expect stone washed denim rolled up to reveal 14 hole dock martins with a spare flannel tied around his waist. He looks 90's dykey. Not bad, but dykey. He changes all the time. The look brings out his handsomeness.
I grab Teeny for a dance on the floor, we pass by Brandicorn chatting up Texas.
We talk about the politics of dancing, and bad business deals.
She looks great as always.
I catch myself in the mirror, dancing, and mess up my hair.
I run to the restroom again.
Then back to the bar just as Fashion comes in. He has two friends in tow.
I spot him a few minutes before he gets to me, so I talk to Jewelry for a minute.
He's all
"I like your vest"
I'm all
It's XXXL.
Cupcakes is all
"Who makes it?"
Marc Jacobs
Fashion is like
"No this is Marc Jacobs" and turns up his coat collar.
Cupcake turns out my collar
"It's made by Troody and Julian"
I'm all
It's my craft hobby crusie wear. Look there's wooden buttons, they don't work.
I'm all
Are you working? Where's your camera?
Fashion pats his pocket takes out the camera and point it at me.
I pull an ugly face.
Usually a crowd pleaser but Fashion wants something goodlooking.
I'm all
I don't photograph well
He's all
"You always look cute and I've seen good photos of you"
We try a few times but I can't hold it together.
Boyf squeezes past in a rush making it awkward when I try to introduce him to Fashion.
Sparkle squeezes by in a bluish t with a scarf tied in a stiff little bow around his neck.
He's all
"Happy Birthday"
I'm all
How did you tie that?
He's all
"I just tied it"
It looks great
I dance. I dance with Struthers. I'm so glad she came, she hops around the dance floor. It's crowded with all the newbies but I swing my arms around and make some room.
I switch up partners alot, I have to, it's my birthday.
I dance with Coco.
I'm all
We're family now! BigStereo family.
She's all
I'm all
She's wearing many necklaces with many large red and blue plastic bits on them. Too cute for words, and she's a good dancer. Out of my league, but I don't think she notices yet.
Nasty is about. She's taking so many pics. My head spins. I pull some really ugly faces for her.
Rchrd OH?! plays Christine by Siouxsie and the Banshees.
It is my birthday song and hard to transition to from the mostly dancey stuff, but everyone keeps on and Struthers is all
"I LOVE this song"
The lights come on.
Slings is here.
I walk up to her and she moves to walk right by me, maybe she didn't see who I was, so I'm all
and she's like
like she was going to say it all along. Totally weird.
It's my Birthday.
"Happy Birthday"
I grab glasses and bottles and put them on the bar for Dad who grabs me one more time for a kiss on the cheek.
Outside everyone mills about. But it's cold so I hail a cab real quick for me and Agent and Boyf and Pony.
Agent gets a text from Angel, at our urging he texts back something dirty. He's moving. He's got nothing to lose.
It's classical music and I'm all
Do you actually like classical music or is that for us?
to the cabbie.
I'm actually curious, not just an asshole.
He likes it, but not just this other stuff too.
After Pony gets out I remember I won't see him for a week because he's going to Kansas or Idaho or something.
At home I eat some string cheese, disrobe and fall into bed.
(For pics of hotness check out
Pony and Boyf are watching Homecoming Warrior on the Disney channel. It's almost as good as Halloweentown.
While Wendy Wu's teachers are posessed by the spirits of monks from her past so they can train her to save the world
I decide on Grey tight Sevens, tapered at Cable Car Tailors, a white undertank, an orange woven art teacher churchlady
vest in XXL, multiple strands of silver and goldish necklaces.
I curl my lashes, mascara and dig the last of my eyegloss out of the corners of the jar.
Agent puts on blush and liner and the eyelashes I got him for christmas, but the spirit gum doesn't stick the fake mustache on too good so he leaves it stuck to the medicine cabinet.
Boyf is in and out smoking cigarettes on the steps, I use the downstairs mirror to fix my hair.
I find 15dollars in my jeans, so we are taking a cab to the club.
On the way Agent and I discuss global warming, apathy among our peers, and my deifinite investment in material things, and shallow pursuits.
At AC's it's already full. Like FULL and it's only 11. Not the best night to not do the door.
Lucy gives me a hug from her stool by the front door, large tan and brown iced cupcakes on a platter in next to her.
The twins come up one with flowers.
I'm touched, no really, it's my first gift. Flowers. I suspect they may have been plucked from a pre-existing bouquet and neatly arranged in some plain paper. But it's the thought.
I tell Dad it's my birthday, and he grabs the back of my head to pull me over the bar for a cheek kiss. I heart Dad, he's the greatest. For a moment I realize that he may actually want to sleep with me, that jokes about me being his son might actually be sexualish in nature.
I order a Jameson neat.
I catch Jewelry from the corner of my eye. I can't believe she's here and Mattie's here too. It's so sweet to see work folks at birthday celebrations.
Mattie's all
"What are you drinking?"
I'm all
I just got this Jameson
and I spill some Jameson on his lap.
"Do you want Yaeger?"
I'll have a Frenet if I have to have something.
We convice Jewelry that it's like Yaeger but it's herbal, and good for your stomach, because she has a stomach ache.
Genivive Gay and Coffin come in. They're all bleary eyed
"Hungover" Coffin says.
Genivive is wearing a christmas sweater with Panda's, queer because christmas has definitely passed and it may be the only ironic thing I've ever seen her wear, it goes against her usual uniform of black tank and brown Levi twill pants.
I see Pony and Texas. I'm all
Welcome back Tex,
Oh but I saw you on New Year's
and he says at the same time
I saw you on New Year's
almost at the same time, so it's a little off, and not funny but awkward. He's wearing a ripped up white lace (think Frederick's of Holywood) tank over a misfits t-shirt.
I'm all
I like your vest
he's all
"I like your vest"
I'm all
It's XXL
I make my way back to Rchrd OH?!
He hugs and kisses me.
Vanderbuilt spins by and wraps her arms around my waist and squeezes.
It's a tight quick and kind hug.
Alice comes up to me with a tiny little box.
Gift two.
It's a tiny horsehead pin
"I got it on a horseback riding website for myself. But I figured you'd love it more. Do you think coolness of Horses has made them into a tacky or last season animal?"
I'm all
I've loved horses for a while I don't care if they are played out now.
I put the box in my back pocket, then decide to pin the pin to my shirt under the vest and toss the box so that I don't have a box shaped sillouetted rear end.
Cupcake is all
"Did you have a cupcake yet?"
On my way to the cupcakes Agent hands me half a cupcake
"I can't finish this it's too sweet"
The cupcake has a peanut buttery texture and the icing tastes very peanut buttery.
Cupcake is all
"I don't really like peanut butter but I like these. I think I did a good job with the icing."
You did.
I go for another Jameson and squeeze Gay's leg on the way by.
Teeny shows up with Shy in tow. I don't recognize him at first.
His hair has been cut off and his bangs are pointed up in one direction in the front and he has on thick glasses and a white t-shirt. I half expect stone washed denim rolled up to reveal 14 hole dock martins with a spare flannel tied around his waist. He looks 90's dykey. Not bad, but dykey. He changes all the time. The look brings out his handsomeness.
I grab Teeny for a dance on the floor, we pass by Brandicorn chatting up Texas.
We talk about the politics of dancing, and bad business deals.
She looks great as always.
I catch myself in the mirror, dancing, and mess up my hair.
I run to the restroom again.
Then back to the bar just as Fashion comes in. He has two friends in tow.
I spot him a few minutes before he gets to me, so I talk to Jewelry for a minute.
He's all
"I like your vest"
I'm all
It's XXXL.
Cupcakes is all
"Who makes it?"
Marc Jacobs
Fashion is like
"No this is Marc Jacobs" and turns up his coat collar.
Cupcake turns out my collar
"It's made by Troody and Julian"
I'm all
It's my craft hobby crusie wear. Look there's wooden buttons, they don't work.
I'm all
Are you working? Where's your camera?
Fashion pats his pocket takes out the camera and point it at me.
I pull an ugly face.
Usually a crowd pleaser but Fashion wants something goodlooking.
I'm all
I don't photograph well
He's all
"You always look cute and I've seen good photos of you"
We try a few times but I can't hold it together.
Boyf squeezes past in a rush making it awkward when I try to introduce him to Fashion.
Sparkle squeezes by in a bluish t with a scarf tied in a stiff little bow around his neck.
He's all
"Happy Birthday"
I'm all
How did you tie that?
He's all
"I just tied it"
It looks great
I dance. I dance with Struthers. I'm so glad she came, she hops around the dance floor. It's crowded with all the newbies but I swing my arms around and make some room.
I switch up partners alot, I have to, it's my birthday.
I dance with Coco.
I'm all
We're family now! BigStereo family.
She's all
I'm all
She's wearing many necklaces with many large red and blue plastic bits on them. Too cute for words, and she's a good dancer. Out of my league, but I don't think she notices yet.
Nasty is about. She's taking so many pics. My head spins. I pull some really ugly faces for her.
Rchrd OH?! plays Christine by Siouxsie and the Banshees.
It is my birthday song and hard to transition to from the mostly dancey stuff, but everyone keeps on and Struthers is all
"I LOVE this song"
The lights come on.
Slings is here.
I walk up to her and she moves to walk right by me, maybe she didn't see who I was, so I'm all
and she's like
like she was going to say it all along. Totally weird.
It's my Birthday.
"Happy Birthday"
I grab glasses and bottles and put them on the bar for Dad who grabs me one more time for a kiss on the cheek.
Outside everyone mills about. But it's cold so I hail a cab real quick for me and Agent and Boyf and Pony.
Agent gets a text from Angel, at our urging he texts back something dirty. He's moving. He's got nothing to lose.
It's classical music and I'm all
Do you actually like classical music or is that for us?
to the cabbie.
I'm actually curious, not just an asshole.
He likes it, but not just this other stuff too.
After Pony gets out I remember I won't see him for a week because he's going to Kansas or Idaho or something.
At home I eat some string cheese, disrobe and fall into bed.
(For pics of hotness check out
Labels: birthday, Hold Yr Horses, Rchrd Oh
homo, happy happy happiest (belated) birthday! i am sending you a package once i return to the east coast. love, gina
Posted by
Gina Abelkop |
12:19 AM
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