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Pony's Birthday 10/17/06

Part I

I'm watching DVD on TV with Agent and Jameson. It's season one, second disc, Desperate Housewives.
I've been sick for days, fever and fatigue.
2am. Wondering where Boyf is. He went to 22nd and Mish for the Makeout Room's monday night desperation, with Pony bc he turned 21 at midnight.
There's a loud stomping on the stoop and someone fiddling with keys, the door slams open and Boyf is all, "Someone help"
He's got his arms around Pony, who's barely standing. We get him to the couch, he drops, eyes half open and rolling.
What happened?
"It's his 21 birthday..." Boyf tries to catch his breath
You've only been gone for 2 hours!
"I know, let's get him some water"
I wash out a tall tall plastic cup and fill it with cold water.
Pony can barely hold it.
We pull him off the couch and I half carry half walk him to the stairs.
Boyf and I push him up the stairs, one at a time.
I hold him standing at the door of his room while Boyf clears his bed and all.
We dump him, pull of his shoes, negotiate with his coat.
I empty the bathroom trash so he has something to puke in if he needs it, and give him a towel in case he spills water or something.
Boyf says everyone at the bar bought him drinks, and shots. Boyf had to practically carry him home 5 blocks.
You only turn 21 once.

Part II
No fever all day and too much Law and Order. Boyf comes home right when Agent and I start to watch the second in the Disney channel's Halloweentown franchise. Fucking amazing. I wish I was on drugs.
I wish I was not wearing these jeans for two days and nights.
Pony's at the Eagle, so when all is resolved in Halloweentown we all rush upstairs to change. I pick a total outfit repeat, dark jeans, striped tank, grey sleeveless sweatshirt. My hair is hot though.
Agent's hair needs some tightening on the sides so I give him some B+B sumotech and it fixes him up right good.
My neck is crinked on the right side, totally annoying.
I tie a brown bandana round my neck to keep the cold out on the scooter.
Boyf and Agent work on Agent's bike, I quit it, hop on the scooter and speed off.
It's nice to be back on the road after 56 hours in the house.
I park it outside the Eagle, two guys check me out as I head in, I thought I was too skinny to get looks here, maybe it's my jacket or helmet that catches their eyes.
I head straight to the bar,
Hot Toddy
"What kind of place do you think this is?"
I've had one here before...
"Damn, ok scotch or burboun?"
I don't actually know the difference...
Pony and his crew is by the firepit, I know only two of them and loop them both into quick convos.
First it's Mac. We talk about eyebrows. How did this convo even start? The whiskey starts working me over
I feel feverish and it's not the firepit, I'm too far away.
I tell him about my High School Senior Photo, How I forgot it was foto day and I was growing out a bad cut and color, with drag queen eyebrows and I hurriedly wiped the eyeliner off. Awful. He tells me about a woman who he sold makeup to who had had her sideburns waxed, Harsh.
I buy Pony a drink, because he's not drunk yet.
Should I put my bandana in my pocket? I've been holding it in my hand because it's not part of the outfit, I don't need a necksessory with this top. I'll be flagging scat bottom. I take the chance.
I sit with Keki. He's got a tiny pompadour and a tiny pony tail, sock garters a tiny neck tie and huge scarf. Totally cute.
He tells me about grad school. Photography. I'm all questions but I squint and look away so that I don't seem TOO interested, I'm interested but mostly uncomfortable, I keep interrupting him by accident, I can tell he notices. His eyes seem watery, he seems flighty, maybe high, maybe drunk.
Agent and Boyf show up.
We form a tight triangle.
Agent tells this joke:
3 vampires walk into a bar
the first one asks for a shot of A-
the second one is all, "I'll have the same but O+"
the last one asks for a cup of hot water, and pulls out a tampon
he says "I'm sick, I'm just having some tea"
I don't really laugh, Boyf too, and he's stoned.
Agent says "I like it, but mostly how awkward it is afterwards."

Pony rounds everyone up for Trannyshack. I'm headed home for more Law and Order. Awesome.
Agent and Boyf head to Hole in the Wall and Keki heads home.
Mac predicts tequila shots at the shack.

Riding home I'm cold. I start to doubt my outfit choice, not for warmth just aesthetics. I pass some friends on bikes headed in the opposite direction. They don't recognize me with my helmet.

My wardrobe is giving me anxiety.