At 6:50 wake up, roll around uncomfortably
in your bed
your throat sore on the left side, like knives
when you swallow,
your left big toe seized in pain, curled almost
completely under your foot
Hear rain. Hear cars in the rain.
Cough, once, then twice
loosening the mucus
from your throat or lungs.
Wheeze when you breathe.
Stretch your arms up quickly above your head
accidentally slamming your hands into the
wall behind your bed
put your stubbed fingers in your mouth
to soothe them.
leap suddenly from the bed. leap, get some air between
you and the floor, and the mattress,
close in the distance between you and the cieling
turn on the bright humming overhead light
with the switch by the doorway.
rush to the bedside table, remove
a red velvet bag from the middle drawer,
remove from the bag a roll of money,
count it
count it a third time when the second
does not match the first.
subtract 75 dollars for a phone bill
20 for booze
and 40 for food, put the remainder back in the bag
back in the table.
turn off the light
fall back onto the bed and stretch your big toe.
uncurl it slowly.
in your bed
your throat sore on the left side, like knives
when you swallow,
your left big toe seized in pain, curled almost
completely under your foot
Hear rain. Hear cars in the rain.
Cough, once, then twice
loosening the mucus
from your throat or lungs.
Wheeze when you breathe.
Stretch your arms up quickly above your head
accidentally slamming your hands into the
wall behind your bed
put your stubbed fingers in your mouth
to soothe them.
leap suddenly from the bed. leap, get some air between
you and the floor, and the mattress,
close in the distance between you and the cieling
turn on the bright humming overhead light
with the switch by the doorway.
rush to the bedside table, remove
a red velvet bag from the middle drawer,
remove from the bag a roll of money,
count it
count it a third time when the second
does not match the first.
subtract 75 dollars for a phone bill
20 for booze
and 40 for food, put the remainder back in the bag
back in the table.
turn off the light
fall back onto the bed and stretch your big toe.
uncurl it slowly.